The Supreme Buddha taught us that everything in this world comes to an end at one point. If someone could see this truth of forming things due to a cause and the end of those things when the cause seize to exist, then he will start to disgust the suffering with a proper knowledge about it. He becomes an “Aarya” (one who follows the Noble Eight-Fold Path) by overcoming the state of being “Prutagjana” (a person who is prone to do terrible things that could lead his reincarnation in hell because of his lack of proper knowledge of what Buddha taught). Once he is in the path, he starts to contemplate the world’s formation and end according to “the law of cause and effect (Law of Hetu-Phala)”. This in fact leads to a gradual declination of all his sufferings. The realization of the formation and end of all things in the world according to the law of cause and effect is described as the wisdom in Buddhism. That is, the realization of the Four Noble Truths is the wisdom.