
If the Buddha is not a human, why people worship him ?

The Buddha has an excellent behavior beyond normal human nature, and is only seen in another Buddha. Veranja Brahmin one day asked the Buddha “why aren’t you worship or admire the old and matured people?” The Buddha answered him “dear Brahmin, let’s say a chicken has eight, ten, or twelve eggs. When that chicken warms its eggs sitting on them without caring about the bad chicken smell it is making, the chicks will one day come out from those eggs. Dear Brahmin, the chick who will come out first by breaking the egg shell will be the eldest of all. Dear [...]

2017-08-13T13:43:43+00:00August 13th, 2017||0 Comments

The Buddha has passed away. How can he help us now ?

One day, the Buddha addressed Aananda Thero and said “Dear Aananda, you might think ‘isn’t this a doctrine of a teacher who has passed away? So, we don’t have a teacher now.’ Dear Aananda, don’t ever think in that way. Aananda, the Dhamma and the discipline I taught you will be the teacher for you after I die.” It is clear from this statement that if the Dhamma is spared even after so many years of the Buddha’s passing away, one will still be able to see Him alive through the Dhamma he taught us. Hence, the Dhamma will be our [...]

2017-08-13T13:38:24+00:00August 13th, 2017||0 Comments

Who is the Buddha?

The Buddha is the greatest human being that has ever been born in this world. He is the most fortunate one who freed himself from craving, anger, and the delusional state we are in because of the ignorance of the four noble truths. He followed the Eightfold Path by Himself and realized the Dhamma without a teacher. The Buddha was a miraculous person with a tremendous wisdom. With this miraculous wisdom, He could see the past lives of other beings, find out where one has been born after the death, see any object at any distance, listen to sounds at any [...]

2017-08-13T13:38:00+00:00August 13th, 2017||0 Comments

Is Buddhism only a philosophy ?

Some people identify Buddhism as a philosophy. In a way, it is correct. The philosophy of the Buddha is the truth or the exact way of the world. Because the teachings of the Buddha allow one to attain Nibbana ending the suffering of being in the repeating cycle of life, aging, sickness, and death, Buddhism can also be considered as a religion.

2017-08-13T13:35:47+00:00August 13th, 2017||0 Comments

What is Buddhism?

There is a great deal of suffering in a life of anyone who was born to this world. Buddhism helps understanding this realty and reveals the one and only path to free one’s self from this entire suffering. Buddhism is the Dhamma that consists of discourses preached by the Buddha. The Dhamma was well taught with a comparable beginning, middle, and an end. Irrelevant of the time of practicing, the Dhamma can be understood in this very own life. Anyone can be asked to come and witness it. Like a person uses a mirror to see the reflected image of himself, [...]

2017-08-13T13:35:18+00:00August 13th, 2017||0 Comments
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