Dhamma Articles

The Supreme Buddha with His Ten Powers

Most people think that we are entering a great age of scientific knowledge and discovery, but no one has yet been able to surpass the knowledge and understanding possessed by the Supreme Buddha. He created an era of scientific knowledge which remains unparalleled today; this was the era of the Supreme Buddha Gautama. The era has not fallen into ruin; it is still very much alive. Think about this for a while: millions of people today in India are followers of Ramayana. They believe in the gods, Rama and Sita. But, they have been unable to find any historical or archaeological [...]

2017-10-07T16:42:59+00:00October 7th, 2017|Dhamma Articles|1 Comment

Be a Dignified Disciple

Disciples of the Supreme Buddha are divided into two main groups. The first group consists of monks and nuns, and the second group consists of lay people. These disciples have gone for refuge only to the Noble Triple Gem. Disciples of the Supreme Buddha are not like ordinary people who go for refuge to various beliefs based on blind faith. Disciples of the Supreme Buddha are full of confidence in the realization of the Buddha (Saddhā). They are wise, brave, and dignified. They do not possess cowardly and weak personalities that wilt and bend over in the face of various other [...]

2017-08-14T05:00:37+00:00August 14th, 2017|Dhamma Articles|0 Comments

The month in which Arahants were first born in Sri Lanka

The true and utmost day of dignified freedom for Sri Lankans is the Poson Poya day. On this day, Sri Lankans received the Buddha’s Dhamma, which is the most valued possession of the country, even at present. People in this country used to go hunting and worshiping various supernatural things like trees and stones. On a day like this, that life pattern of the Sri Lankans was changed forever when they received the gift of the Dhamma. They were fortunate enough to become a generation full of great sages who achieved the fruits of the Dhamma by following the middle path. [...]

2017-08-11T13:26:33+00:00August 11th, 2017|Dhamma Articles|0 Comments

Is the modern man wise?

One of the main aspects of society are the “developments” that occur over time. As human society steps into a new era, its typical characteristics also change. Also, the most precious treasure to humans, wisdom, and the ability to guide the mind, also changes when humans go through such transformations. Humans in the past did not have instruments that modern technology has brought forth. They did not have airplanes, computers, and cell phones. There were no telecommunication capabilities that we see today such as satellites. Weapon stores seen today with all its machinery were not seen in the past. Instant news [...]

2017-08-11T13:19:30+00:00August 11th, 2017|Dhamma Articles|0 Comments

Let us go for Refuge to the Triple Gem with Insight

We all prefer a peaceful and comfortable life however life is filled with many problems. There is no one who would prefer their own life to end abruptly without solace. Therefore, isn’t it better to live carefully as we grow older? To live in such a way, everyone seeks some kind of help or refuge. Most people forget or ignore the fact that life is unbelievably risky and uncertain! We cannot predict what kind of misfortune will come our way at any moment. One can see a certain kind of helplessness in whichever angle we look at life. There is a [...]

2017-08-11T12:30:04+00:00August 11th, 2017|Dhamma Articles|0 Comments
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